22/6 -29/10 2017 IVAM. Institut Valencià d’Art Modern. | Valencia | España We live in a times of change and transformation. These moments suppose the switching from one state to another, and they are not […]

22/6 -29/10 2017 IVAM. Institut Valencià d’Art Modern. | Valencia | España We live in a times of change and transformation. These moments suppose the switching from one state to another, and they are not […]
Exihibition Catalogue Texts: Jaromir Jedlinski, Andzej Turowski, Nika Strzeminski, Zenobia Karnicka, Janina Ladnowska. Year: 1992 196pp. | 28x19cm. ISBN: 84-482-0491-3
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia. Year: 1993 Texts: Elena V. Basner, Evgenija N. Petrova, Kasimir Malevich 110pp. | 29x23cm. ISBN: 84-7075-440-8
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) | Valencia | España Year: 1998 Texts: Juan Manuel Bonet, D. Abadie, G. Boelin 129pp. | 26x28cm. ISBN: 84-482-1847-7
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia Year: 1991 Texts: Elvira Maluquer, Franz W. Kaiser, Juan Manuel Bonet, Eva Teixidor Aranegui 136pp. | 28x28cm. ISBN: 84-482-1465-X
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) Texts: Ernst Schwitters, Serge Lemoine, Beatrix Nobis, Maria Haldenwanger, Hanne Bergius, Friedhelm Lach, Gabriele Mahn, Michael Erlhoff, Dietmar Elger, Patricia, Falguières, Arta Valstar-Verhoff, Wulf Herzogenrath, Isabelle Ewig, Werner Heine, […]
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) | España Year: 1999 Texts: Juan Manule Bonet, Emmanuel Guigon, Anne Tronche, Loui Ucciani 186pp. | 24x26cm. ISBN: 84-482-1927-9
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia. Year: 2007 Texts: Manuel Muñoz Ibañez, Kosem de Barañano 352pp. | 31x28cm. ISBN: 978-8448244088
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) | Valencia | España Texts: Kosme de Barañano, Annette Papenberg-Weber, Matthias Bärmann, Vicente Valero, Gabriele Simongini, Maita Cañamás. Año: 2003 302pp. | 30x27cm. ISBN: 978-8448235178 Piero Dorazio forma parte […]
Exihibition Catalogue Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia. Year: 2009 Texts: José Berardo, Eric Corne, Marina Birrão, Nicolas Arocena, Domitille d’Orgeval 200pp. | 30x24cm. ISBN: 978-84-482-5105-5