Composition XL-1 | 1956 Oil on canvas | 100x81cm. Collection | Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Ivan Picelj | Okučani | Croatia | 1924-2011

Composition XL-1 | 1956 Oil on canvas | 100x81cm. Collection | Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Ivan Picelj | Okučani | Croatia | 1924-2011
KA #13 | 1956 Tempera on cardboard | 48x68cm. Collection | Marinko Sudac Aleksandar Srnec | Zagreb | Croatia | 1924-2010
Pafama | 1922 Collage, pastel on paper | 17x17cm. Collection | Muzej Suvremene Umjetnosti (MSU) Jo Klek [Josip Seissel] | Krapina | Croatia | 1904-1987 +INFO |
AP4 | 2003 Acrylic on canvas | 61x61cm. Julije Knifer | Osijek | Croatia | 1924-2004