Barco | 2006 Acrylic on woodboard | 80x80cm. Irene Buarque | São Paulo | Brasil | 1943 +INFO |

Barco | 2006 Acrylic on woodboard | 80x80cm. Irene Buarque | São Paulo | Brasil | 1943 +INFO |
Magic Square #5 | Brumadinho | 1977 Painted cement walls | 25x25x5m. Hélio Oiticica | Río de Janeiro | Brasil | 1937-1980
Superficie Modulada | 1955 Industrial paint on Eucatex | 62x92cm Lygia Clark | Belo Horizonte | Brasil | 1920-1988
15/12/2018 – 17/2/019 Curator: Franck-James Marlot Paço Imperial | Rio de Janeiro | Brasil Como os pintores italianos do quattrocento, o artista José de Souza Oliveira Filho tomou de empréstimo o nome da cidade do […]
Curator | Ricardo Resende 4/9-27/10 2018 Emmathomas Galeria | São Paulo | Brasil In Synthetic Fields, the artist based in Berlin returns to the country to present 17 works that reflect her research on the […]
Free compositions series | 2016 Pigment and acrylic paint on wood | 92×92 cm Macaparana | Brasil | 1952
Untitled | 2017 Acryalic Spay on wall Erb Mon | Brasil
Alfredo Volpi, Antonio Maluf, Hércules barsotti, Judith Lauand, Luiz Sacilotto, willys de Castro, Alejandro Wallner, Geraldo de Barros, hermelindo fiaminghi, Lothar Charoux, Waldemar Cordeiro. Curator: Maca Macaparana 27/10 – 17/11 2017 Studio Nóbrega| São Paulo […]
Untitled | 2016 Pigment and acrylic paint on wood | 96×72 cm Macaparana | Brasil | 1952
Entardecer | 2017 Oil on canvas | 125x150cm Mauricio Piza | São Paulo | Brasil