Lis | 1922 Oil on canvas | 131x100cm. Collection | Kunsthaus Zürich László Moholy-Nagy | Bácsborsód | Hungary | 1895-1946

Lis | 1922 Oil on canvas | 131x100cm. Collection | Kunsthaus Zürich László Moholy-Nagy | Bácsborsód | Hungary | 1895-1946
Totalisateur | 1922 Ink, watercolor on paper | 55x73cm. Collection | Museo Reina Sofía Francis Picabia | Paris | France | 1879-1953
Proun #3 | 1922 Gouache, ink on paper |50x40cm. Collection | MoMa El Lissitzky | Pochinok | Russia | 1890-1941
Opus #30 | 1922 Oil on cardboard | 50x32cm. Collection | Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza Victor Servranckx | Diegem | Belgium | 1897-1965 +INFO |
Pafama | 1922 Collage, pastel on paper | 17x17cm. Collection | Muzej Suvremene Umjetnosti (MSU) Jo Klek [Josip Seissel] | Krapina | Croatia | 1904-1987 +INFO |
Bahndamm | 1922 Ol on burlap | 45x60cm. Arthur Segal | Iași | România | 1875-1944
Sochineniye | 1922 Oil, tempera on wood | 70x62cm. Collection | The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) El Lissitzky | Pochinok | Russia | 1890-1941
Segelschiff #1 | 1922 Oil on burlap | 72x55cm. Walter Dexel | München | Deutschland | 1890-1973
K VII | 1922 Oil paint and graphite on canvas | 115x135cm. László Moholy-Nagy | Bácsborsód | Hungary | 1895-1946
Untitled | 1922 China Ink on paper | 40x50cm. Karl Peter Röhl | Kiel | Deutschland | 1890-1975