Komposition | 1926 Oil on canvas | 46x36cm. Collection | MoMa Lajos D’Ebneth | Szilágysomlyó | Hungary | 1902-1982

Komposition | 1926 Oil on canvas | 46x36cm. Collection | MoMa Lajos D’Ebneth | Szilágysomlyó | Hungary | 1902-1982
Untitled | 2019 Acrylic on plywood | 87x118cm. Alain Biltereyst | Anderlecht | Belgium | 1965
Untitled | 1979 Watercolor, ink on paper | 101x76cm. Angelo Testa | Springfield | Massachusetts | 1918-1984
Labirintus | 1979 Acrylic on canvas | 150x150cm. Imre Bak | Budapest | Hungary | 1939
The Eight Categories of Fate | 1954 Oil on canvas | 106x91cm. Collection | Carnegie Museums of Arts Charmion Von Wiegand | Chicago | Illinois | 1896-1983
Abstract #I | 1935 Oil on canvas on board | 91x106m. Collection | Tate John Piper | Epsom | England | 1903-1992
Proun #3 | 1922 Gouache, ink on paper |50x40cm. Collection | MoMa El Lissitzky | Pochinok | Russia | 1890-1941
29/4 – 11/6 2022 Galería Cuatro | Valencia | España El trabajo pictórico de David Pellicer (Valencia, 1977), se sustenta en dos pilares fundamentales, el mundo de la escenografía contemporánea desde un punto de vista […]
Kunstoff Konzept | 2019 Acrylic on canvas | 60x60cm. Gianfranco Spada | Molfetta | Italia | 1972 +INFO: www.gianfrancospada.com
Fabrice Ainaut, Joanick Becourt, Milija Belic, Sibylle Besancon, Philip Bodet, Francesc Bordas, Jeanne Charton, Ralph Cutillo, Diane De Cicco, Lino De Giuli, Olivier Di Pizio, Gilles Dysek, Jacky Ferrand, Catherine Gaillard-Remontet, Stefanie Heyer, India Serena, […]