Composição | 1967 Oil on woodboard | 44x44cm. Antonio Maluf | São Paulo | Brasil | 1926-2005

Composição | 1967 Oil on woodboard | 44x44cm. Antonio Maluf | São Paulo | Brasil | 1926-2005
Untitled | 1950 Charcoal, pastel on paper | 63x48cm. Collection | MoMa Myron Stout | Denton | Texas | 1908-1987
Geometric abstract painting #E001 | 2015 Acrylic on canvas | 113x143cm. John M. Miller | Lebanon | Pennsylvania | 1939-2016
N.Y. City | 1945 Oil and pencil on linen | 118x83cm. Collection | Whitney Museum of American Art Leon Polk Smith | Chickasha | Oklahoma | 1906-1996
Untitled | 1963 Oil on canvas | 152x137cm. Collection | Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York Ludwig Sander | Staten Island | New York | 1906-1975
Haruhiko Sunagawa | Fukuoka | Japan | 1946-2022 Haruhiko Sunagawa studied physics at the University of Sciences in Tokyo, then drawing and painting at Hammersmith College of Arts in London. He receive the Bourdelle sculpture […]
Composizione #10 | 1934 Oil on canvas | 61x50cm. Oreste Bogliardi | Portalbera | Italia | 1900-1968
Composition CH #I | 1979 Acrylic on board | 70x70cm. Ole Folmer Hansen | København | Danmark | 1937
Komposition #1 | 1918 Oil on canvas | 100x126cm. Collection | States Museum for Kunst Olaf Rude | Rakvere | Eesti | 1886-1957
Testigos | IV Seminario de Arte Geométrico 13/7 – 15/7 2022 Museo Francisco Sobrino | Guadalajara | España La cuarta edición de estas jornadas impulsadas por el Museo Francisco Sobrino y su Asociación de Amigos, […]