Atanasio Soldati, autopresentazione, Galleria del Milione, febbraio 1935, Milano “La pittura astratta ama l’analisi, l’ordine, gli armoniosi rapporti della geometria, la chiarezza, come è di ogni opera d’arte, di qualunque tempo, dal Partenone a Pier […]
Category: Testimonia
Geo Scene | Encarna Sepúlveda
Entrevista de Manuel Ramos Hace unos meses tuve la ocasión de poder contemplar en vivo la obra de Encarna Sepúlveda en la exposición individual Trenzando el tiempo realizada en la Fundación Chirivella Soriano de Valencia, en la […]
A conversation with Timothy App
First published in Geoform, 2006 and expanded for The Aesthetics of Precision exihibiton catalog, 2013 Interview by Julie Karabenick | Courtesy of Geoform Timothy App received a BFA in 1970 from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and an […]
A conversation with Charles Green Shaw
Oral history interview with Charles Green Shaw, 1968 April 15. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Interview by Paul Cummings You were born in New York in 1892? Long time ago, eh? You don’t realize […]
Carta a Mondrian | Lygia Clark
Maio 1959 Carta a Mondrian: Hoy me siento más sola que ayer. He sentido una gran necesidad de mirar tu trabajo, viejo solitario, tú también.He encontrado una foto de ti fabulosa y es como si […]
Geo Scene | Ramón Martínez Buades
Entrevista de Manuel Ramos Descubrí la obra de Ramón Martínez Buades en la reciente Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Valencia Ciutat Vella Oberta y tuve al poco tiempo la ocasión de visitar su estudio y […]
A conversation with David Novros
Oral history interview with David Novros, 2008 Oct. 22-27. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Interview by Michael Brennan David, can you tell me when and where you were born? I was born in Los […]
Geo Scene | José Rosario Godoy
Entrevista de Manuel Ramos El artista Canario José Rosario Godoy lleva a nuevos puntos el concepto de la geometría abstracta expandiendo fronteras en un juego plástico donde se establece un dialogo entre lo real y […]
A conversation with Ad Reinhardt
Oral history interview with Ad Reinhardt, circa 1964. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. Interview by Harlan Phillips In this conversation Reinhardt speaks of his time spent working for the easel division of the WPA, […]
Max Bill as seen by his son
First published in Max Bill, Fundación Juan March, 2015 Interview by Manuel Fontán del Junco | Courtesy of Fundación Juan March The following text contain a long conversation about Max Bill – especially his painting […]