By Edna Bozyski The early years of the 20th century witnessed a radical transformation in the visual arts, where concerns about form, space, and structure took on new dimensions. A group of artists, emerging from […]

By Edna Bozyski The early years of the 20th century witnessed a radical transformation in the visual arts, where concerns about form, space, and structure took on new dimensions. A group of artists, emerging from […]
Exihibition Catalogue Fundación Chirivella Soriano, Valencia, España. Year: 2023 Texts: Manuel Chirivella Bonet, Javier Badenes Martín, Gonzalo Sotelo Calvillo. 150pp. | 21x27cm. ISBN: 97818419966117
Sales Catalogue Year: 2023 Text: Guus Maris Publisher: Ars et Animatio 1442pp. | 24x32cm.
Exihibition Catalogue Museo Francisco Sobrino, Guadalajara, España Year: 2023 Text: Alfonso de la Torre Languages: Castellano 52pp. | 22x22cm. Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara
Exihibition Catalogue Casa de Cultura Marqués de González de Quirós. Gandia, España Year: 2023 Text: Anacleto Ferrer i Artur Heras Languages: Català, castellano 64pp. | 16x21cm. Publisher: Universitat de València ISBN: 978-84-9133-581-8 Andreu Alfaro, uno […]
Exihibition Catalogue Complejo Cultural As Quintas | La caridad | España Year: 2022 Texts: Alfonso de la Torre 48pp. | 19x22cm. Publisher: Asociaciòn de amigos As Quintas Es un enigma la imagen. Un misterio las […]
Exihibition Catalogue Städtisches Museum, Engen, Deutschland Year: 2021 Languages: English, Deutsch 24x17cm. Editor: Velten Wagner Publisher: Städtisches Museum Engen ISBN: 978-3938816-34-9
Exihibition Catalogue Palacio de la Audiencia, Soria, España Year: 2021 Texts: Enrique Andrés Ruiz Languages: Español 28pp. | 24x21cm. Editor: Ayuntamiento de Soria ISBN: 978-84-7359-937-5
Exihibition Catalogue DL gallery, Pireus, Greece, Year: 2022 Texts: Ioannis Lassithiotakis 48pp. | 24x18cm. Publisher: DL gallery Geometric abstraction was the inevitable destination for part of the European avant-garde. It had started already with post-impressionism […]
Year: 2019 Text: María Elena Ramos Editorial | Fundación Otero Pardo, Fundación ArtesanoGroup ISBN: 978-980-6671-16-4 La monografía reúne una selección de dibujos realizados durante dos décadas de trabajo que permite ahondar en el desarrollo del […]