Red, Yellow and Blue | 1959 Gouache over pencil on paperboard | 33x33cm Charmion von Wiegand | Chicago | Illinois | 1896-1983

Red, Yellow and Blue | 1959 Gouache over pencil on paperboard | 33x33cm Charmion von Wiegand | Chicago | Illinois | 1896-1983
#46 |2015 Acrylic on wood panel | 71x71cm Julie Karabenick | Evanston | Illinois | 1947
Kassai Katalin emlékére | 2012 Acrylic on canvas | 60x60x5cm István Halmi-Horváth | Mosonmagyaróvár | Hungary | 1973
Schilderij | 2017 Acrylic on linnen | 80x80cm Sita Rademaker | Netherlands
Zirchow VII | 1918 Oil on canvas | 80x100cm Lyonel Feininger | New York | 1871-1956 |
Paisaje con figura | 2017 Acrylic on canvas | 50x100cm Rafa de Corral | Bilbao | España | 1967
Synchro 5 | 2014 Acrylic on canvas | 76x61cm Steven Alexander | West | Texas | 1953 +INFO |
Untitled | 2016 Oil on canvas | 100x100cm Georges Meurant | Etterbeek | Belgique | 1948
Untitled | 2017 Acrylic on canvas | 80x100cm Jesús del Peso | Madrid | España | 1983
Untitled | 2015 Acrylic on canvas | 63x120cm. Ruth Quirce | Madrid | España | 1974