
GEOMETRICAE is an independent online magazine for geometric abstract art lovers, aimed at artists, art collectors, art galleries, museums and those who appreciate modern art.
If you are an individual, business, or organization who would like to help sustain and enhance the efforts of the Geometricae Magazine team, now is a good time to consider becoming a Geometricae sponsor and partner.
We’re searching for an exclusive premium partner who wants to associate their brand with this specific art movement.
Our sponsorship package is designed with maximum exposure in mind and we have fully customizable options available to fit your marketing initiatives and goals.
Our publication, and the movement we’re trying to lead, is nothing more than an idea without people like you who both champion our mission and the work that we are doing.

Thank you for your considered support.
Gianfranco Spada
(Founder, Creative Director and Editor-in-Chief)

Please tell us more about your sponsorship initiative and we’ll send you a complete dossier with Geometricae milestones and our sponsorship scheme.